Sunday, February 17, 2013

Song for Sunday

Low – Nothing But Heart

And now new albums announced by Low and British Sea Power. Colour me very excited already ...

Band/artist of the week: Mogwai
Song of the week: British Sea Power – Machineries of Joy

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Song for Sunday

Frightened Rabbit – Backyard Skulls

Band/artist of the week: R.E.M.
Song of the week: Radiohead – Anyone Can Play Guitar

Really enjoying the new Frightened Rabbit album that came out this week. Unfortunately it is bound to be totally overshadowed by the new My Bloody Valentine one which was released without any build-up overnight.

The news earlier in the week that Kevin Shields had claimed it might be 'out in two or three days' at their Electric Brixton gig last Sunday was exciting, but given the 22 year wait so far I wasn't going to get my hopes up too much. However, there it was on twitter this morning: new album released, available immediately from their new website. Except it wasn't. The website had promptly collapsed under the weight of all that built-up expectation and all that most people could find was an opaque 403 error message. Could it all be an elaborate practical joke? Fortunately, no. About five hours later – once everyone in the UK had got bored waiting and gone to bed – the website casually appeared and a few minutes later a download of the complete album was sitting on my hard drive.

It is never going to have the shock and impact of Loveless, and no-one could expect it to, but even so it sounds pretty good. A handful of stunning tracks and a few that wouldn't have sounded out of place on Loveless, may not sound like much progress for 22 years work, but there are still very few contemporary bands that could make an album this exciting and interesting. Me? At the moment I am just happy to have another nine My Bloody Valentine songs in the world.

(Oh, and I haven't forgotten about the best albums of 2012. It is just taking a bit longer than planned to get it all finished. I thought being unemployed would give me more time for stuff like writing blog posts, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case. Soon, I promise.)